Basically I have become addicted to reading books....not just any books...ebooks. I first had a Barnes and Noble Nook. I love my nook and got some good use out of it. I think I had a few hundred ebooks on the Nook. I have now upgraded to the Kindle Fire! I know, I know, I traded for a different brand but it had back lighting and the Barnes and Noble comparable product was $50 bucks more. The best part about changing over to Kindle is Amazon's website. I love the recommendations and even before I had a Kindle I was going to their site to figure out what books to get. So I now have to ebook reading devises and could tell you the pros and cons about each but that isn't the important stuff....that would be the BOOKS! So I am kind of a penny pincher when it comes to books so you will notice I choose the cheaper ones. So if you want to know the Best Books on a Budget I will have a page just for those ;).
I hope my recommendations are helpful and that this blog will be a help to decide what to read next!